Creative Continuum - Digital Art Sculpture by Ivo Meier


Trust your Values

Centric - Sweetspot Digital Art Sculpture by Ivo Meier (Detail)

Centric (Sweetspot)

Centric - Sweetspot

Circle - Sweetspot Digital Art Sculpture by Ivo Meier (Detail)

Cirlces (Sweetspot)

Circles - Sweetspot

Get Engaged - Digital Art Sculpture by Ivo Meier

Get Engaged!

Get engaged!

Winning Spin - Digital Art Sculpture by Ivo Meier

Winning Spin

Winning Spin

Value Matters - Social Consensus - by Ivo Meier

#ValueMatters - Diverse Values

Social Consensus

Dots - wall installation interactive

Dots (Punkte)


Value Matters - Sphere of Values - by Ivo Meier

#ValueMatters - Spheres of Values

Sphere of Values

Impact 49 - Sweetspot (Digital Art Sculpture)

Impact 49

Impact 49

Value Matters - Sweetspot (Digital Art Sculpture)



Value Matters - Social Consensus - by Ivo Meier

#ValueMatters - Mindset

Social Consensus

Value Matters - Richard Edwards inside - by Ivo Meier

#ValueMatters - endlose Variationen und Media's

3D - endless variations/media

Value Matters - Sphere of Values - by Ivo Meier

#ValueMatters - House of Values

House of Values

Value Matters - Social Consensus - by Ivo Meier

#ValueMatters - Sozialer Konsensus

Social Consensus

Inifinitiy (Digital Art Sculpture by Ivo Meier - Switzerland)

Infinity (Skulptur)

Infinity (Skulptur)

Impact - Sweetspot (Digital Art Sculpture)

Impact (Sweetspot)

Impact (Sweetspot)

real B Imaginarium - Zusammenarbeit Richard Ewards/Ivo Meier

RealB - Imaginarium

eine raffinierte Reise....


Circle of Influence

Circle of influence

Big Data - Digitale Skulptur (Ivo Meier-Schweiz)

Secrecy - Big Data (Geheimhaltung)

Deine persönlichen Daten...

Emptiness V 4 (hope) - (Digital Art Sculpture by Ivo Meier)

Emptiness V4 (hope)

Emptiness V 4 (hope)

Solidarity Ukraine - 3D sculpture by Ivo Meier

Solidarity Ukraine

Solidarity Ukraine (wall-sculpture, interactive)

Emptiness V 5 (love) - (Digital Art Sculpture by Ivo Meier)

Emptiness V5 (love)

Emptiness V 5 (love)

Humanitarian Tradition (Digital Art Sculpture)

Skulptur Humanitäre Tradition

Humanitarian Tradition (Skulptur/Serie)

For or Against  - Digital and Interactive Wall Art Sculpture by Ivo Meier

Dafür oder Dagegen (2022)

Dafür oder Dagegen.

Inner World  (Digital Art Sculpture by Ivo Meier)

Emptiness I (blau)

Emptiness V I (colored blue)

Emptiness V II - colored red (Digital Art Sculpture by Ivo Meier)

Emptiness II (colored red)

Emptiness V II - (colored red)

Impact - Sweetspot Digital Art Sculpture by Ivo Meier (Detail)

Impact (Sweetspot)

Impact - Sweetspot

Big Values- Sweetspot Digital Art Sculpture by Ivo Meier (Detail)

Big Values (Sweetspot)

Big Values - Sweetspot

Having a vision - figurative art by Ivo Meier

Having a Vision!

Having a vision

Flying high (Digital Art Sculpture)

Flying high

Kleinskulptur - figurativ

3D-ink (Digital Art Sculpture)


Wandskulptur, interaktiv

Died in vain (sinnloses Sterben (Digitale Skulptur)

Skulptur - Died in vain

Wand-Skulptur, interaktiv

Rage - for or against! (Digital Art Sculpture)

Rage (Wut) - dafür oder dagegen

Rage-Dafür oder Dagegen

Serenity (Tipping Point)(Digital Art Sculpture by Ivo Meier)(Thumbnail)

Serenity (Tipping Point)

Wand-Skulptur, interaktiv

Diversity - Sweetspot (Digital Art Sculpture)

Diversity (Sweetspot)

Diversity (Sweetspot)

Serenity (Tipping Point) - Sweetspot Digital Art Sculpture by Ivo Meier (Detail)

Serenity - Tipping Point (Sweetspot)

Serenity (Tipping Point) - Sweetspot

Inner World (2019) - Digital Art Sculpture by Ivo Meier (Detail)

Inner World (2020)

Inner World 2019

Locked out from life (Digital Art Sculpture) - by Ivo Meier - Switzerland

Locked Out from Life

Wand-Sulptur, 2020

Inifinitiy Sweetspot (Digital Art Sculpture)

Infinity (Sweetspot)

Infinity (Sweetspot)

In-/Sanity  (Digital Art Sculpture by Ivo Meier)

In-/Sanity (Sculpture)

In-/Sanity - zerrissen....

COVID-Fatal cases in Switzerland (Digital Art)(Thumbnail)

COVID - a serie

Wandrelief, 2020

Centric white/black (Digital Art Sculpture)

Centric (white/black)

Centric (black/white) (2018)

Self Reflection - Digital Art Sculpture by Ivo Meier (Detail)


Wandskulptur, interaktiv, 2020

Metamorhosis (Bronze Sculpture)


Bronze Skulptur

Inner World (Digital Art Sculpture by Ivo Meier)

Inner World (sculpture)

Digital Art Sculpture, interactive

Contemplation growing... (Digital Art Sculpture by Ivo Meier)

Contemplation growing

Digital Kunst Skulptur


Die Kunstserie ‘Sweetspot’ verkörpert das Konzept, das im Wesen der Kunst widerhallt. Stell dir ein Foto vor, bei dem der Fokuspunkt – der Sweetspot – das Herz der Szene einfängt. In diesen Skulpturen birgt jede Form ein zentrales Element, das die wahre Essenz der größeren Skulptur verkörpert. Genauso wie ein Fotograf den perfekten Ort sucht, um die Essenz seines Motivs einzufangen, sind diese Sweetspots wie Flüstern der Wahrheit, die uns einladen, die Seele jeder Kreation zu erkunden.”.