when digital art & NFT meet conventional art (by Ivo Meier)

Solo-Exhibition in Horw/Lucerne (Juni - November 2024)

From June 2024 to November 2024, my works will be on display at the Library Horw/Lucerne.


The exhibited works focus on human existence and invite contemplation of our inner and outer worlds. In them, I intertwine playful elements with profound messages that stem from my personal and professional experiences in personnel development. The works explore the boundaries between digital and real art and creatively combine art and technology (TechArt), especially 3D printing. The works are interactive, reflective, and socially relevant. Let yourself be inspired by the creative vision!!


If you have any inquiries, please feel free to reach out via the contact form available at the provided link.: CONTACT US / Represented by

If you want to visit the event you'll find all information (incl. opening hours) here: https://www.bvl.ch/horw



Bild/Serie   Beschrieb

Emptiness I - V (2021)
40 x 40 x 8 cm
Zyklus mit 5 Arbeiten

Emptiness is the space you need to create something new.


Entire Half I - IV (Sweetspot) (2023)
30 x 30 x 5 cm 
Zyklus mit 4 Arbeiten

Nothing is perfect, except our imagination. 

Entire Half (Aware) - Link
Entire Half (Confusion) - Link
Entire Half (Growth) - Link
Entire Half (Vision) - Link


30 x 30 x 5 cm 

Serenity (Tipping Point)
Creative Continuum

The sweetspot—captures the essence of it's bigger twin.


Centric (2) - 2019

30 x 30 x 8 cm 


Infinity (2021)

60 x 40 x 6 cm

  Impact (2019)
70x70 cm

Trust Your Values (2023)

60x60 cm

  Get Engaged (2023)
70x70 cm
  Creative_Continuum (2024)
70x70 cm
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Artseries Overview

Centric & Impact

The spheres represent the elements and events of our lives, and the impacts that we have on ourselves, on others, and on the world.


The art series ‘contemplation’ explores the idea of duality and emptiness...create, think, feel, and transform

#Values matter

An artproject endorsing values: About 27 individuals and the their values - values that really matter!

Visit the art project


Smaller and affordable variants of the larger sculpture following the photographic concept about finding the sweetspot...


Rage & Protests

Rage and Protest - sometimes only 'standing up and being bold' resutls in change!


Ulimited editions on some of my favourite sculpture and also singles /